Open Classifieds

Error in Open Classifieds 1.4.2 function isSpam() missing

I did a mistake in the latest release of OC 1.4.2.

I include and old version of common.php which doesn’t includes the isSpam function.

The mistake is already solved and the download now is the good one.

I’m really sorry about this 🙁 It seems I’m not focused enough on this.

Please for the people who already download the script, download it another time or paste this at the end of common.php:

function isSpam($name,$email,$comment){//return if something is spam or not using akismet
	if (AKISMET!=""){
		$akismet = new Akismet(SITE_URL ,AKISMET);//change this! or use defines with that name!
		return $akismet->isCommentSpam();
	else return false;//we return is not spam since we don't have the api :(

Thanks to dsmith01 for commenting this mistake in the forum

And my apologizes another time.