
Canon CR3 support in Linux using ART, RawTherapee fork

Finally someone got CR3 working in Linux!!! Before we had a “hack” to make it work xD

This is thanks to ART a RawTherapee fork that has included CR3 support by using libraw library.

This tutorial has been tested using latest version of ART and Ubuntu 19.10.

UPDATE, now there’s 2 methods to install ART since they have added a repo for ubuntu!

Method 1 repository

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dhor/myway
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install art

Now all should be working, go to configuration πŸ˜‰

Method 2 manually

Install dependencies, exactly the same ones as RawTherapee but adding exiv2 library.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install build-essential cmake curl git libcanberra-gtk3-dev libexiv2-dev libexpat-dev libfftw3-dev libglibmm-2.4-dev libgtk-3-dev libgtkmm-3.0-dev libiptcdata0-dev libjpeg-dev liblcms2-dev liblensfun-dev libpng-dev librsvg2-dev libsigc++-2.0-dev libtiff5-dev zlib1g-dev exiv2


We need to modify the URL:

cd ~
wget -O build-art
chmod +x build-art

When finished you only need to type

Working! Splash Image

2 – Configuration

After opening ART please go to preferences -> file browser and add the cr3 extension, otherwise the cr3 files will not appear in the file browser I guess this is small bug they have.

Adding the extension

But this did not work either. CR3 files are not displayed yet.

So I reached the creator of ART. Alberto. amazing guy. I explained to him the issue and he gave a solution.

The issue is the version of exiftool but in ART we can choose the executable of exiftool. Please check latest version.

To change it, first download last version, and unpack

cd ~
tar -xzvf Image-ExifTool-11.93.tar.gz ~/programs

Then open again ART, go to preferences->Image Processing, and paste the path of exiftool executable.


Restart ART.


And finally here we have it!! CR3 working in ubuntu!

Also the JPEG embedded preview keeps all the settings from camera, so you do not need to start developing the photo from 0 like I had to do with the DNG files.

Now I need to get used to this new workflow using ART. But will save me a lot of time πŸ˜‰

If you installed manually:

To create a shortcut for the icon to appear in Ubuntu, create a file

gedit ~/.local/share/applications/art.desktop

Inside type

[Desktop Entry]

Then execute:

sudo update-desktop-database

and ready!

NOTE: Amazon Drive will count CR3 files as storage, not for the unlimited plan… So you can convert them to DNG and store the CR3 inside. Not ideal… trying to figure out a better way.