
f.lux – Better lighting for your screen in Ubuntu

I’m that kind of people that I’m at least 14 hours day in front of the computer….that’s too many hours I know. My eyes since I use TFT they are not that bad but anyway it could be better, I’m a regular user of eye drops.

I actually did laser in my eyes and the lose of view was consequence of long exposition to the old CRT’s.

Since few days a go I found f.lux and I need to say that I think works pretty good, at least to me.

What f.lux does? (c&p) it makes the color of your computer’s display adapt to the time of day, warm at night and like sunlight during the day.

How to install it in Ubuntu:

  1. First dowload to your desktop
  2. Unzip in your desktop as well.
  3. Move the file to /usr/bin/
    sudo mv /home/USER/Desktop/xflux /usr/bin/
  4. Then you need your coordinates, you can copy them form here:
  5. Once you have them in your terminal type xflux -l N, N where N,N is the copied text from before example:
    xflux -1 41.387917, 2.1699187

With this the program would be running.

If you want it to start with your computer (Gnome only)  you can go to System -> Preferences -> Startup Applications -> Add (paste the command)

In ubuntu we don’t have configuration panel…

I hope this is really useful to you guys as it is to me!