No IE6, please

Today I was checking stats from few of my places and is SCARY how many people still uses Internet Explorer…Continue readingNo IE6, please

Neo22s for mobile devices

As a user of a HTC Hero sometimes it annoys me how big are some pages, I know is not…Continue readingNeo22s for mobile devices

WP-PageScroll 0.2

Today changes in the plguing WP-PageScroll. Changes: New style sheet from Not need of edit footer.php Function wp-pagenave renamed…Continue readingWP-PageScroll 0.2

WP-PageScroll, Plugin for WordPress

Few days working on this guys… This is officially my first WordPress plugin! Well…I didn’t develop an entire plugin I…Continue readingWP-PageScroll, Plugin for WordPress

Minimalistic, WordPress theme

This is my first WP theme so please be kind to me, I’m not a web designer 😛 I used…Continue readingMinimalistic, WordPress theme

Speed up your WordPress

If you use, as me a shared hosting for your blog, maybe you noticed (normally) that the speed of your…Continue readingSpeed up your WordPress