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5 Books for Lean Entrepreneurs

The last 2 years I’ve been doing a lot of reading since I started participating with shares in companies.

There’s loads of books about how to make money on internet, about project managements, lean startup etc.

Many of them have similar concepts, and most are boring, repetitive and not to the point…

I enjoy books that avoid all the superficial things and go directly to the point.

My Top Five!

1 – Rework
2 – Remote: Office Not Required

From the founders of 37 Signals, they have edited this 2 books gathering their experience handling an small super successful company and how they work remotely. MUST READ.

3 – The $100 Startup

Really inspiring book, with loads of examples, useful templates for your company etc. Was the first book of this kind I read and I recommend it to everyone.

4 – Anything You Want

Derek is truly an inspiration, this book can be easily read in 1 hour, full of really nice tips and a different ways of doing things. Love it! MUST READ

5 – The Start-up of You

From the founder of Linkedin, really nice tips and useful stuff. Sometimes a bit slow to read and not to the point, but has valuable lessons.

Extra books you may enjoy:

Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity
Too long to explain a simple concept but was a revolution back in the time.

The Startup Owner’s Manual: The Step-By-Step Guide for Building a Great Company
Really nice approach about how to pivot ideas.

The Lean Startup: How Today’s Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses
I think it’s an overrated book, although has interesting points.


Do you have any great recommendation?

I am going on holidays soon and I need something nice to read 😛 please share!

via open classifieds