Hello All,
For those who are not following kohana github (you should) we have few news.
We are working on 4.0.0. https://github.com/kohana/core/issues/672
You can see current issues here https://github.com/kohana/core/milestones/4.0.0 and PRshttps://github.com/kohana/core/pulls?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Apr+milestone%3A4.0.0
ANY HELP is more than welcome! feedback here or at github please.
I want to emphasize that some of us rely on KO for our businesses and we have all the willing in the world to keep the project alive, I have personally expressed this in many occasions.
Also in the meantime I will keep a clone of KO based on 3.3.x branch with PHP7 compatibility. Only bugs and simple maintenance will be done. https://github.com/koseven/koseven this is done since many people has contacted me about PHP7 + KO before.