Other Twitter

Twitter disclaimer @deambulando

As some of you know I am a bit active on Twitter @deambulando account.

This is not a personal account, meaning I will normally not post things such as “Today I got new shoes!” or lame stuff like that, if you expect that feel free to unfollow. *

Also this is not a guru twitter account. I live by learning and reading a lot and I do have of course more knowledge in some stuff than others.

What I post about?

I mostly post about IT related content, technology and lean business. Some times I post in Spanish since I am a Spaniard currently living in Barcelona and I will support some movements here.

I post in English from my phone and I am terrible at grammar, also normally not my own content but useful things I found and read before.

Some subjects I am happy to tweet:

  • Web Development PHP (LAMP) , Redis, MySQL, jQuery and others..
  • Scrum / Agile methods and ideas
  • Lean business / Startup advice
  • OpenClassifieds (and related products) since its my small company
  • OpenSource projects

Lately I am posting quite a lot on specific times, I have a dedicated schedule for reading purposes, specially night time (+1 GMT).

Why I do not always follow back?

Simple, I may not be interested on what you post, do not dramatize it, not big deal.  I use twitter mostly as a source of information, therefore I only follow those are truly interesting for me or just some friends that are active (yes deleted lot lately since they never use Twitter, feel free to let me know when you are back.)

Ok now go and follow if you are interested on this trendy things.

* Be aware before I did that xD
** Also notice I am Bald and I will make sometimes bad jokes about it. If you are sensitive about it, please grow hair!