
PHP Geotarget IP

Just a function to get geographical info about an IP.

I use this actually to stop spammers from certain countries…I know a bit to radical, but after using IP (of banned lists), captchas, akismet, banned names etc…I don’t know what else to do :S. (it seems is already working no spam in 1 week)


$geoip=geoIP('');//using an existing IP
$geoip=geoIP();//will use clients IP


echo $geoip['country'];
echo $geoip['countryAb'];
echo $geoip['city'];

 if ($geoip['country']=='india')  die('country not allowed');//to ban a country

The code:

function get_tag($tag,$xml){
	return $match[1];

function valid_ip($ip){
	return ( ! preg_match( "/^[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}$/", $ip)) ? FALSE : TRUE;

function geoIP($stringIp=-1){

    if (!valid_ip($stringIp)) $stringIp = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];

    if ($_COOKIE['geoip']){
        if ($geoip['ip']==$stringIp) return $geoip;//only return if IP is the same if not continue

	$url=''.$stringIp;// Making an API call to Hostip:
	$xml = file_get_contents($url);//echo $url;

	$city = get_tag('gml:name',$xml);
	$city = strtolower ($city[1]);

	$countryName = get_tag('countryName',$xml);
	$countryName = strtolower ($countryName[0]);

	$countryAbbrev = get_tag('countryAbbrev',$xml);
	$countryAbbrev = strtolower ($countryAbbrev[0]);


	setcookie('geoip',serialize($geoip), time()+60*60*24*14);// Setting a cookie with the data, which is set to expire in 2 weeks:
	return $geoip;