Other WordPress

No IE6, please

Today I was checking stats from few of my places and is SCARY how many people still uses Internet Explorer 6. Yes I said SCARY. My no entender.

During the last month an average of 460 unique visitors uses IE6!
That’s a 15% of the total traffic of the site almost.

But now Web Masters and DEvelopers we have the power to turn the situation and make this different.

First I’m not longer checking my JS for IE6 either the CSS and second we have many resources to let know our visitors that they should upgrade.

For any HTML site I like this two solutions:

IE 6 Update
Maybe no so ethic but I thinks it actually rock’s.

To install it so easy! in your html before the c&p this:

IE6 Upgrade Warning


For WordPress I use this one:

Shockingly Big IE6 Warning

Yes, We CAN!