I needed a Clock that is updating automatically and takes the time from the server (same as the office), also they want to display the time in other countries to have a reference.
For this I developed a “simple” (how much I like this word) script to update times.
Download, unzip and serve your self!
UPDATE: Faster way, just copy paste this in your site:
This is the main function that is calling her self all time.
function moveClock(idClock,startTime){//move given clock
var timeout=1000;//miliseconds to repeat the function
if ( startTime === undefined ) {//just take the browser time
rightNow = new Date();
hour = rightNow.getHours();
minute = rightNow.getMinutes();
second = rightNow.getSeconds();
else{//starttime set
rightNow = startTime.split(':',3);
hour = parseInt(rightNow[0],10);
minute = parseInt(rightNow[1],10);
second = parseInt(rightNow[2],10);
if (second==59){
if (minute==59){
if (hour==23) hour=0;
else hour++;
}else minute++;
}else second++;
if (minute<10) minute= "0" + minute;
if (second<10) second= "0" + second;
currentTime=hour + ":" + minute + ":" +second;// tim to return
document.getElementById(idClock).innerHTML = currentTime;//tim for the HTML element
if (startTime===undefined) setTimeout("moveClock('"+idClock+"')",timeout);//browser time
else setTimeout("moveClock('"+idClock+"','"+currentTime+"')",timeout);//set time
To use it is really easy:
Normal clock using browser time:
Clock with manual time: (you can write it or use php or asp or whatever you want)
You can also run several clocks in the same site same time 😉
Version: 0.1
Author: Chema Garrido
License: GPL v3
Support: forum.neo22s.com
Works in FF 3.5, Chromium, ie6