Linux Other

How to Linux: Videos for Nintendo DS

How to convert videos from Linux for the Nintendo DS? And using subtitles?

Many people thinks is not possible, I will tell you something is really easy and works fast!

Yo will need

  • Nintendo DS
  • R4 Cartridge
  • Memory Micro Sd for the R4
  • OS Linux (Ubuntu or Debian works)

Do this

  • In the shell: sudo apt-get install mencoder mplayer
  • Download mpeg_stat
  • Create folder /home/user/DPG
  • Uncompress mpeg_stat in DPG folder
  • Goto the folder and do make
  • Move this files to the folder bin with: sudo cp mpeg_stat /bin/mpeg_stat , sudo cp mpeg_stat.1 /bin/mpeg_stat.1
  • Download dpgconvThis one generates the files dpg for the DS
  • Uncompress dpgconv in DPG folder

How works:

  • In the shell go to /home/user/DPG
  • Execute: python /folder/file_to_convert.avi
  • The videp is now in DPG folder.
  • Move the file to your DS memory
  • Enjoy the video!

Tip: If you want subtitles, make the file .srt have the same name of the video file. In this way the program will use both to generate the video.