I am specialized in web technology and project management, based in Barcelona. I work remotely since 2008. 😉
You can read what I’m doing right now here.
I love Open Source Software and I am developer/advocate since 2004 . I have started many different small businesses which I have sold.
Curious by nature, I love to learn, develop new products, photography and traveling.
If you want to know more specifics go ahead and check my Linkedin , Github or contact me if there’s not any answer to your questions.
I can give you an awesome* technological consultancy to help your company make the right decision. I am available always to help you.
- Scrum, agile methodologies
- Lean Startups and Bootstraping
- PHP , WordPress, MySQL
- Choose your hosting / cloud solution
- Open Source Software
- Research for your product / requirements
- Recruitment for IT specialists
If you want an online consultation please pay and I will contact you to schedule a private meeting. 30 minutes or 1 hour.
Contact me if you have any doubt.
* Disclaimer: By awesome I mean I will try my best as I do with everything 😉
Only available for small projects.